Sharing Blankets

Sharing Blankets

In African countries, blankets are essential to help people survive the harsh natural conditions. Since many countries on the continent have both highland and desert climates, there is a great difference between the daytime high temperatures and the low temperatures at night and in the early morning. The victims of natural disasters and the refugees created by internal conflicts are often malnourished or even starving and lacking in basic necessities. Blankets used as temporary shelter shield them from the fierce daytime sun and serve as overcoats to help maintain body warmth during the extreme nighttime cold.

Since 1984 Rissho Kosei-kai has implemented the campaign of collecting blankets from community members and sending them to people in Africa in collaboration with other partner groups. The campaign helps participants increase compassion for African refugees and internally displaced persons and make people acutely aware of the harsh conditions in which they are put. By donating blankets, the participants convey their affection, so that African and Japanese people can sense their connection to each other, despite living far apart from one another. Thus new bonds of love are created.