Rikka no Kai
Network of Business Owners in the Spirit of Buddhism.
URL: https://rikkanokai.jp/community/category/english/
Gakurin Seminary
Gakurin is a global training center for “Engaged Buddhism” and “Interfaith Action” founded in 1964 by Founder of Rissho Kosei-kai, Rev. Nikkyo Niwano. The Gakurin is comprised of six programs: the Honka Program, which trains seminarians to become leaders of engaged Buddhist and interfaith action; the International Program, which trains international seminarians to become lay Buddhist practitioners and leaders in different countries; the Koju University Program, the Post-Graduate Lotus Program and Koju High School Program, which train students to be active leaders in various sectors of society; and the Hoju Program, which trains women practitioners who combine faith and professionalism.
URL: https://www.gakurin.jp/en/