Dharma World
Published semiannually, Dharma World is a magazine that presents Buddhism as a practical living religion and promotes interreligious dialogue for world peace. It espouses views that emphasize the dignity of life, seeks to rediscover our inner nature and bring our lives more in accord with it, and investigates causes of human suffering. It tries to show how religious principles help solve problems in daily life and how the least application of such principles has wholesome effects on the world around us. It seeks to demonstrate truths that are fundamental to all religions, truths on which all people can act.
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Rites for the Departed
Knowing Contentment
Religion and the Family
Religion’s Role in Peacebuilding
Religion and Happiness
The Impact of Cyberspace on a Variety of Religious Traditions and Practices
Religion's Potential for Advancing Sustainable Development
What Is Prayer?
Religion’s Role in Building an Inclusive Society
Violence in Buddhism
Manga, Anime, and Contemporary Religion
Is Emptiness the Goal?
The Buddhahood of Plants and Trees: The Environment and Buddha-Nature
Buddhism’s One Vehicle in a World of Many Religions
Religions Tackling Extremism
Religion and Animals
Features: Listening
Contemporary Ideas about Karma
Buddhism and Food
Dual Religious Identity: Can One Practice Two Religions?
The Modern Significance of Meditative Practices in Religions
Religious Rituals and Their Meaning for Today
Religion's Contributions to Society
Cultivating Hearts That Welcome the Other
Buddhism and Language
Life After Death
Building an East Asian Community: Roles of Religions
Aging Societies and Religion
Nuclear Power and Contemporary Religion
Where Does the Buddha Live Now?
Modern Meanings of Festivals
Transforming Greed
Religions Coping with Prejudice
The Significance of Religious Communities
Buddhist Teachings on Spiritual Liberation
The Meaning of Modern Pilgrimage
The Evolution of Funerals in Japan
Buddhism in North America
Religion and the Power of Women
What Is True Wealth?
Dialogue Draws Religions Closer
Tackling the Question "What Is the Lotus Sutra?"
Religion's Role in Abolishing Nuclear Weapons
Help in Overcoming Alienation
Religion and Prayer
Religion and Media
Religion and Health
The Changing Forms of the Family and the Role of Religion
The Meaning of Giving in the Contemporary World
Buddhism in the Face of Environmental Crisis
The Many Forms of the Bodhisattva Kuan-yin
Article 9 of the Japanese Constitution
Buddhism and Bioethics
Respect for Ancestors
Self-Examination and Peace Work
Buddhism and Social Responsibility: Boddhisattva Practice Today
Buddishm in Dialogue
Religions Working for Peace
Creating the World of the One Vehicle: The Centennial of the Birth of Rev. Nikkyo Niwano
The Human Condition and Religion: A Global Future?
Remembering Hiroshima
Spirituality and Development
Women in Contemporary Japanese Religion and Society
Rissho Kosei-kai 67th
"Thousand Buddhas," Sanbanggulsa Temple, South Korea
Emerging Forms of Spirituality
Peace Building Through Multi-Religious Cooperation
The Increasing Importance of Dialogue and Cooperation
Paths to Reconciliation
Religion in Crisis
Spiritual Friendship
Resolving Conflict
Dividing Good From Evil
Common Truths: Cooperation Among Religions
Niwano Peace Foundation
Religionists United in Prayer for Peace
Life is Larger Than Globalization
Emerging Forms of Spirituality
Roundtable Disscussion at the World Congress of the International Association for Religious Freedom
Sixth Assembly of the Asian Conference on Religion and Peace, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Most Reverend Samuel Ruiz Garcia, Recipient of the 19th Niwano Peace Prize
National Treasure Tapestry Illustrating Shakyamuni Sermon to the Faithful
Celebration of the Anniversary of Shakyamuni's Birth
Religious Delegates Gather in New York for WCRP Symposium